Class Schedule
Spring Session starts March 31
Ashland, Oregon
Community Hula - Beginners & All Levels Welcome! (Ashland)
11-Week Session ~ $180
Wednesdays, 4:30-6:30 pm | April 2 - June 11)
For spring session, we are combining Papa 'Ekaha (Intermediate Kupuna Wahine & Kane 55+) with Papa Pala'a (Beginners and Advanced Beginners).
Papa Palapalai - Intermediate Wahine (Ashland)
11-Week Session ~ $180
Mondays, 6-7:30 pm | March 31 - June 9 (5/26 class moved to 5/28)
Pre-registration required for all classes. To enroll and make your payment, click the green button below.

Kapa'au, North Kohala, Hawai'i
Community Hula - Beginners & All Levels Welcome!
Feb 11 - May 6 (no class 3/18 for Spring Break)
12-Week Session ~ $195
Tuesdays, 5-6:30 pm
This mixed-level class is for new students, beginners, and those who want to learn hula at a more relaxed pace, with ample repetition to reinforce skills and retention. Our students gain a strong foundation in hula basics, including steps, hula dances appropriate to this level in both kahiko and 'auana styles, and an introduction to oli (Hawaiian chant).
Pre-registration required for all classes. To enroll and make your payment, click the green button below.
Summer Session - check back soon for Oregon and Hawai'i hālau dates.
Studio Locations:
Ashland, Oregon: Classes held at Studio Z, located at 280 E. Hersey #1 in Ashland. Turn into Hersey Business Park - Studio Z is the last row of buildings on the right, corner unit.
Kapa'au, Hawai'i: Classes are held at Kumu's private residence. Address and directions will be emailed to you after you register / pay.
Your Kumu: All classes are under the direction and guidance of our Kumu, Andrea Kamalani Luchese. Ashland classes are co-taught by our Alaka'i, Tia Lehua McLean & Lisa Bailey. Kumu Andrea will also teach portions of all classes at regular intervals with a virtual set-up in Studio Z (during your live, in-person classes with your on-site kumu Tia and Lisa). In person Kapa'au classes are taught by Kumu Andrea.
Payment Policy: There will be no refunds or credits issued once you pay. No one turned away due to inability to pay. A limited # of partial scholarships are available for Ashland haumana, as funds are available in our non-profit Kapi'oanuenue. Work or other trades available with Kumu Andrea for Kapa'au students on an as-needed basis.
Questions? Please email Kumu Andrea.