2024 Events
Ashland World Music Festival
Sunday, May 26, 12 - 12:30 pm
We're excited to be invited back to perform at the Rogue World Music Festival. Here's the info: Rogue World Music Festival presents an exciting lineup of 6 captivating concerts, at the enchanting Butler Bandshell in beautiful Lithia Park, located in the vibrant heart of downtown Ashland, OR. Delight in free, engaging activities for the entire family, and indulge in an array of culinary offerings by food trucks, delectable treats, and a refreshing beer garden.
No tickets needed. Free admission. Bring concert chairs or blankets for seating. This event is ADA-accessible.
Our wahine from Papa Palapalai will be presenting a half-hour of some of our favorite hula kahiko dances.
Click here for more details.

2023 Events
Aloha for Maui: A Benefit Lū'au
Friday, September 1, 5:30 - 7:30 pm ~ Williams, OR
The island of Maui, Hawai'i has suffered catastrophic loss in the wake of wildfires this August. Particularly in Lahaina town, where the loss of life has made it the deadliest fire in the U.S. in over a century. Unfortunately, in the Rogue Valley, we understand the devastating impact fire can have all too well.
We want to help, and we hope you'll help us send Aloha to Maui. Please join us for a benefit Lu'au to help with their fire recovery efforts, featuring hula, Hawaiian music, Hawaiian food, shave ice, and local wine from Plaisance Ranch in beautiful Williams, Oregon!
Location: Plaisance Ranch
16955 Water Gap Rd, Williams
View map.
Advance Tickets only:
$40 per adult (includes dinner & dessert, show, 1 glass of wine or beer)
$30 per child (12 and under - includes dinner & dessert, show, 1 shave ice).
Available online here.

This special event features live music from the Hula 'Ohana, Hula Show by Halau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Anuenue, Hawaiian Style Dinner by Chef James Daw of the Perfect Bite, Dessert by Pennington Farms, and Hawaiian Shave Ice from Jack Frost Shave Ice.
Silent Auction:
Who wants their own private Lū'au? Hālau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Ānuenue is donating a private hula show, anywhere in the Rogue Valley (January-June 2024), to the highest bidder! Bidding will start at $350. All proceeds go to the cause.
Benefiting Maui Fire Recovery
... Because of the generosity of, and donations (time, labor, money) made by, Joe & Suzi Ginet (owners of Plaisance), the kumu (teacher) and 'olapa (dancers) of Hālau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Ānuenue, Chef James Daw, Sam & Cathy Pennington, Trish & Alex Dorr of Jack Frost, and numerous volunteer neighbors, family and friends...
At least $30 from every adult ticket (and at least $20 from every keiki ticket) will go directly to the Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund. We will be excited to share our collective giving in the days after the event.
Hawai'i Community Foundation is a 4 star charity with a 93% grade from Charity Navigator. Overall the Foundation spends less than 6% of its annual fundraising on administrative expenses and will be spending 100% of Maui Strong Funds directly on the cause. If you cannot attend this event, please consider giving to them directly or contributing to one of their Maui Strong Fund Grantees.
More info at PlaisanceRanch.com

Wākupuala: Hula Hō'ike in Eugene
Thursday, August 24, 6-7:15 pm, Eugene, OR
Kumu Andrea has chosen two haumana from Hālau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Ānuenue for the path of becoming kumu hula. Tia McLean and Lisa Bailey are dedicated hula practitioners that have served the hālau for many years, taking on the kuleana (responsibility) of leadership as alaka'i (teaching assistants), while also developing and growing their skills as 'ōlapa (dancers) and ho'opa'a (chanters) under Kumu's direction.
Together with Kumu and some of our haumana, they will be offering a hō'ike in Eugene to demonstrate aspects of the process they have undertaken thus far, over the last year and a half of focused training.
Location: UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History, outside
Address: 1680 E 15th Ave, Eugene. View map.
View more info about Oregon Culture Nights here >>
If you're in the area, we'd love to see you!

2022 Events
An Evening with Hapa
Wednesday, October 12, 5:30 - 8 pm ~Grizzly Peak Winery, Ashland
For the first time in seven years, award-winning Hawaiian band Hapa will be back in Ashland!
Singer/Songwriter and masterful guitarist Barry Flanagan will be joined by Ken Makuakane, "the producer of producers of Hawaiian music" and recipient of 21 Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards. Ken’s son Pono will also join them on percussion.
Our hālau will be performing hula with the band, and special guest, gifted singer Brandt Nakamura will accompany Kumu Andrea in a solo of Lei Pikake. We hope you will join us for an inspiring night of uplifting Hawaiian music!

Kohala Huaka'i ~ Journey to Hawai'i 2022
Saturday, May 28 - Sunday, June 5
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of our beloved Kumu Raylene Ha'alele'a Kawaiae'a, who transitioned from this life unexpectedly on March 9, 2012 at the young age of 61. Kumu is loved by people throughout the world. Her boundless aloha, expressed through a wellspring of compassion that left each person feeling deeply seen and valued, touched the hearts of many. Kumu Raylene was a kumu hula, haku ho'oponopono practitioner, and devoted member of the community, serving through the Queen Lili'uokalani's Children's Center and at the local schools.
It is because of all Kumu shared that our halau exists today and continues to flourish, as we do our humble best to honor and

perpetuate what she has given us, through her presence, mana'o, hula, oli, teachings, and deep heart of aloha. She is still with us as a spiritual presence that continues to guide and inspire the activities of the halau and our kumu, Andrea.
We will be taking a small group of our haumana to Hawai'i end of May / early June to attend Kumu Raylene's Celebration of Life, hosted by the 'ohana. We are most grateful to partake by being there, sharing hula, offering lei, and being together with our 'ohana nui.
Mother's Day Lu'au
Sunday, May 8, 1-4 pm ~ Williams, OR
Celebrate Moms everywhere, Hawaiian style! Join us for a lovely afternoon of hula, Hawaiian music, Hawaiian food , local wine and beer from Plaisance Ranch in beautiful Williams, Oregon!
Location: Plaisance Ranch
16955 Water Gap Rd, Williams
View map.
Advance Tickets only: $15 per adult, $10 per child (12 and under). Available online here. Winery opens at noon for ticket holders.
This special Mother's Day event features live Slack Key by Mark Kailana Nelson, Hula Show by Halau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Anuenue, Hawaiian plate lunch from Auntie Carol's Hawaiian Cafe. Meal ticket is an additional $13-15 and is not included in event ticket purchase. Fresh orchid and ti leaf lei available for purchase ($10-25), plus award-winning Wine and Beer by Plaisance Ranch ($7/glass, $20-35/bottle), and Shave Ice from Jack Frost Shave Ice.
Lei sales proceeds support the Hālau non-profit. Several dancers will be visiting Hawai'i Island this summer to participate in cultural activities and ceremony honoring the late Kumu Hula Raylene Ha'alelea Kawaiae'a.
More info at PlaisanceRanch.com

Ashland Aloha Festival
Sunday, September 26, Grizzly Peak Winery, Ashland, OR
Join us for an afternoon of aloha at Grizzly Peak Winery in the beautiful foothills of Ashland. Enjoy community cultural workshops for all ages, live music featuring Keale Kupuna from O'ahu, plus an authentic hula show with traditional hula kahiko, accompanied by live drumming and chanting, as well as contemporary hula accompanied by our talented musicians. Ono Hawaiian food from Auntie Carol's Hawaiian Cafe and wine by Grizzly Peak will be available for purchase.
* We are committed to the health and safety of Aloha Festival attendees, participants, and staff, as well as that of our families, friends, and community.
* Please read below for our Safety Regulations & Cancellation Policy and check back on this page closer to the event for any updates on Covid protocols based on current state or county regulations at that time.
All-Day Pass: (includes Cultural Workshops and Show): Adult - $25, Child/Youth - $10 (age 12 and under)
Show Only: Adult Advance $15/ Door $20; Child /Youth - $5 (age 12 and under)
VIP: $40 - includes an All-Day Pass, Reserved Priority seating, a fresh lei, one complimentary glass of wine
Gates Open:
1:30 pm for VIP Pass or All Day Pass Guests only
3:30 pm for General Admission (Show Only)
Tickets also available at Music Coop, 268 E. Main St. in Ashland or at the event. Blankets and low-back chairs for any ticket type welcome at front of the stage.
Advance tickets will not be available after 5 pm on Saturday, September 25. Last-minute ticket buyers can purchase at the event on September 26.
Questions? Contact Kris Galago, Ku'ulei Aloha Productions at hulagirlmaui@yahoo.com.

Ashland Aloha Festival is funded in part by a generous grant from the Oregon Cultural Trust. The Cultural Trust was created to fund culture in the state into perpetuity. More than 1,400 nonprofits, including Kapi’oanuenue, are eligible to receive funds from the Cultural Trust. Those funds are provided by Oregonians who receive a cultural tax credit for their donation to the Cultural Trust. Your Cultural Trust contribution comes back to you in the form of a decreased tax bill or potentially an increased refund. Learn more or donate at CulturalTrust.org or (503) 986-0088.
Covid Safety Regulations
All audience members must wear masks except when eating or drinking, or when seated in your own party.
Seating will be assigned with social distancing between parties when you arrive. VIP ticket holders will be given priority seating.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
No refunds will be given unless Ashland Aloha Festival is canceled. If Ashland Aloha Festival is canceled, ticket holders will be emailed a cancellation announcement with a form with two options: 1) donate the value of your ticket to Kapi'oanuenue 501(c)(3); or 2) receive a refund to your credit card. If you do not respond with your choice within 4 days, the value of your ticket will be donated to Kapi'oanuenue.
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather outside at Grizzly Peak Winery, the show will continue as long as it is safe for patrons, performers, and staff. If you choose to leave during the performance, there will be no refunds offered. If Kapi'oanuenue cancels a performance due to inclement weather, see “Cancellation Policy” section above.
Inherent Risk
Attendee acknowledges that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By visiting Grizzly Peak Winery premises, Attendee voluntarily assumes all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

1:30 - 3:30 pm - Cultural Workshops for all ages! Attend as many as you want with an All-Day Pass!
3:30 - 5 pm - Hawaiian plate lunch by Auntie Carol’s Hawaiian Cafe ($10-12)
3:30 pm - Pre-show music by Keale Kupuna
4 - 6 pm - Main Show: Hula by Ka Pi'o O Ke Anuenue; music by Keale Kupuna and Bill Griffin
COMMUNITY CULTURAL WORKSHOPS - All materials & instruments provided!
1:30 pm | Lei-making
1:30 pm | Hula lesson
1:45 pm | 'Ohe Kapala (fabric print-making)
1:45 pm | Ipu-making & lesson (gourd drum)
2:00 pm | 'Ukulele lesson
2:15 pm | Lei-making
2:15 pm | Hula lesson
2:30 pm | 'Ohe Kapala (fabric print-making)
2:30 pm | Ipu-making & lesson (gourd drum)
3:00 pm | Lei-making
3:00 pm | 'Ohe Kapala (fabric print-making)

2020 Events
Ku’uipo Kumukahi House Concert
April 7, 7-9 pm
(canceled due to COVID-19)
Hālau Hula Ka Pi'o O Ke Ānuenue is proud to present Mele a Mo‘olelo Hawai‘i by Hawai‘i’s Sweetheart of Hawaiian Music, Ku‘uipo Kumukahi! Join us for an intimate and enriching evening of Hawaiian music and talk story. Light pupu included with ticket purchase.
Location: Held at a private residence in Medford. The address will be emailed to you with your ticket purchase receipt.
Tickets: $25. Advance purchase required.
Pre-Concert Workshop with Ku‘uipo
Kaona and Mele ~ 5-6 pm
(canceled due to COVID-19)
The word "kaona" is defined as a hidden meaning. In Hawaiian poetry, kaona can conceal the deeper reference to a person, place or thing. When we look at Hawaiian music we find layer upon layer of kaona. A good haku mele composes a song rich with kaona.

So rich that as you peel away the layers you find stories hidden within stories, messages and suggestions that play on our imaginations. So intertwined that you are left to wonder what the true meaning of the song is. The word "kaona" is defined as a hidden meaning. In Hawaiian poetry, kaona can conceal the deeper reference to a person, place or thing. When we look at Hawaiian music we find layer upon layer of kaona. A good haku mele composes a song rich with kaona. So rich that as you peel away the layers you find stories hidden within stories, messages and suggestions that play on our imaginations. So intertwined that you are left to wonder what the true meaning of the song is.
In this special pre-concert workshop, Ku’uipo will share her understanding of the poetic writing style of kaona and its significance in Hawaiian mele.
Location (same as the concert – address will be emailed to you with your workshop purchase receipt)
Cost: $15 per person

This project is supported in part by a grant from the Jackson County Cultural Coalition funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust, investing in Oregon’s arts, humanities, and heritage.
About Kuʻuipo
Ku’uipo Kumukahi is the Director of Hawaiian Culture and Community Relations at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa. It is also her kuleana, responsibility, to be the live consciousness of Hawaiian heritage at Pualeilani, the Waikiki residence of Hawaiian royalty, King David Kalakaua, Queen Kapi’olani, and Prince Kuhio.
Prior to being at Pualeilani, Ku’uipo was a Community Outreach Manager for the Arc in Hawaii where she helped to build community collaboration and provided education programs for adults with special needs.
As a professional Hawaiian music performer, musician, songwriter, recording artist and kumu hula, Ku’uipo has committed her life to the education, preservation, perpetuation and promotion of the Hawaiian language through the art of Hawaiian music (poetry/mele). She has nearly thirty-years of experience as a professional Hawaiian music performer and recording artist - her last recording commissioned by the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame was entitled “Na Lani ‘Eha – songs of the Four Royals”.
Passionate about all Hawaiian matters especially Hawaiian music and its possibilities, Kuʻuipo provides a very hospitable, friendly and loving approach in sharing her knowledge and providing Hawaiian education through songs.
Watch the video from Hawai’i News Now
Watch Ku’uipo perform at ‘Iolani Palace on Aloha Authentic (starts at 14:00)
Ashland World Music Festival
Friday, May 26, 3:35 - 4:05 pm
This Memorial Day Weekend, the Ashland World Music Festival invites you to reconnect with community and culture in a conscious, yet innovative way.
The 2021 hybrid festival features a live-stream main stage event highlighting culture-bearing musical artists, a virtual Heartbeat Stories, and a weekend of SoundWalks through Ashland’s park and city-scapes.
Our wahine from Papa Palapalai will be presenting a half-hour of some of our favorite hula kahiko dances.
The festival is FREE, and we encourage everyone to donate to the fundraiser for the UNETE Farm Worker and Immigrant Family Fire Relief Fund.
Click here for more info.